Online Delivery
Growing Futures provides the option for online delivery for most workshops. The content is the same as face to face, however there are some key points to be aware of.
Waiting Room

When you first join the Zoom meeting you will be directed to a waiting room. The session will start once everyone has logged in.
Camera and Microphone

Growing Futures' workshops are interactive. Please ensure your microphone and camera are connected.

Much of the training provided by Growing Futures is around child protection. This content is not suitable for children. Please ensure children can not hear the content and discussions.

If you disconnect for any reason during the session you will be placed back in the waiting room once you reconnect. If you cannot reconnect please contact the person who organised the workshop or Growing Futures directly for Public Webinars
Breakout Groups

Small group discussions are an important element in Growing Futures' online training. During these activities you will be given time to discuss topics in small groups. Please ensure you nominate one person from your group to feed back to the larger group.
Removal from session

Participants will only be removed as a last resort. If a participant does not appear to be engaging in activities and fails to join break out groups they will be asked to let the presenter know if they are having difficulties and initially moved to the waiting room. For organisation wide training the organiser will be advised in the first instance. In public webinars if the participant does not respond attempts to re engage they will be removed from the session. No certificate or refund will be provided.