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Useful Resources

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The Victorian Child Safe Standards

The Commission for Children and Young People (Have oversight of the Victorian Child Safe Standards and The Reportable Conduct Scheme.)

Child Safe Standards for Education Providers Developed by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Department of Education and Training.

The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing has published a range of resources for organisations funded by or regulated by them. However these resources may be useful for other organisations. Of particular note is the Assessment Tool

The NSW Child Safe Standards

The Office of the Children's Guardian  (Have oversight of the NSW Child Safe Standards and The Reportable Conduct Scheme. Regularly publish useful resources and hold free webinars)

Responding to incidents, disclosures and suspicions of abuse (NSW)

NSW empowerment and participation guide

The Tasmania Child and Youth Safe Standards

The Office of the Independent Regulator (Oversight of The Standards)

Interim Compliance Guidance

Aboriginal Cultural Safety Guide

The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

The Human Right’s Commission National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (A Nationally agreed set of principles.)

Sport Specific Resources 

Start to Talk Campaign

VicSport Child Safe Resources Includes some excellent templates of policies, child safe guides and consent forms.

Child Protection and other legislation (Victoria)

Department of Education and Training


Reportable Conduct Scheme

Empowerment of Children

NSW empowerment and participation guide

VIC Empowerment and participation: A guide for organisations working with children and young people


VIC Creating a Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy (Word, 141KB)

National Office of Child Safety Complaint Handling Guide

NSW Risk management and The Child Safe Standards 

Speak Up and Make a Complaint This resource was developed by the National Office for Child Safety and the Commissioner for Children and Young People Western Australia The resources include a poster and leaflet for children and young people, breaking the complaint process down into three steps. They also provide simple guidance on what to expect and how to find more information.

Cultural Safety

Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC)Child Safe resources 

SNAICC National Principles Video


AIFS list of key organisations working with culturally and linguistically diverse families



This Video by Russ Harris goes through the hand model of the brain​​

Australian Childhood Foundation have lots of resources available including Making Space for Learning

Blue Knot produce resources on Complex Trauma

Emerging Minds produces resources including webinars on many topics including the impact of trauma on children

Self Care

Phoenix Australia - Australian National Centre of Excellence in Posttraumatic Mental Health

Black Dog Institute - Self Care Planning Tool

Cyber Safety

ThinkUKnow (Australia)

ThinkUKnow (UK)

eSafety Commissioner

Sexual Behaviour

Problem and Harmful Sexual Behaviour Resources

Western Australia Framework for understanding and guiding responses to harmful sexual behaviours in children and young people

It's Time We Talked (Guide for talking to young people about pornography)

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